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Adrianne Wilson

Let's GROW Memories Together!



Edible Landscapes


What if you could turn your yard into an edible landscape with fruits, vegetables, and herbs? Edible landscaping, also known as foodscaping, brings more homegrown foods into your life while beautifying your home landscaping. And it’s easier than you think! While a lush green lawn is lovely in its own way, edible landscaping is, as gardening expert Rosalind Creasy says, “a much more noble use of the soil.”​


What Is Edible Landscaping?


Edible landscaping is using vegetables, fruits and herbs along with ornamental plants and grasses to landscape your yard. So, kinda what it sounds like. Grounded in the tradition of the Victory Gardens of World War II, edible landscaping allows you to keep your yard green and growing while enjoying a delicious harvest.


There are innumerable benefits to edible landscaping. The main benefit is getting to use your yard as a productive space to grow nutrient-dense, super local, yummy fruits, vegetables, and herbs. And as with any gardening you do at home, you get to try a range of foods that might not be readily available (or might be very expensive) at your local stores, like turnips and cauliflowerbroccoli leavesnasturtiumsedible flowers, and more.




Community Programs


Community Garden Project:  Through this garden project, we intend to cultivate the land, respect our environment, and empower our people. We aim to do that by connecting our town's residents, representatives and organizations to the garden - ensuring that everyone can benefit from the project. Community gardens build relationships that last beyond the growing season. A community garden can help transform people who happen to live in the same place into a united community.


General Gardening Workshops:  These gardening workshops are the perfect way to get started as a gardener. Between planting, growing, and trimming, gardening can take a long time, so getting it right will make the pay off well worth the wait. These workshops are here to help you get there, dealing with several aspect of horticulture, and are designed to help you tend a flourishing garden, big or small. Some of our workshops are Gardening Basics, Composting 101, Creating a Kitchen Garden, Microgreens, How to use garden herbs.


Senior Gardening Workshops:  As we grow older our bodies and minds require different techniques and equipment to assist us in our gardening process. Our Senior Gardening Workshops encourage attendees to experience the benefits of gardening that affect their mental and physical health. It can also help your aging loved ones feel more connected to the outdoors, appreciate nature, and provide them with a sense of accomplishment when they harvest vegetables or flowers from their garden, and give them an opportunity to socialize with friends who are also gardening nearby. Gardening can help improve balance and strength. It can even help with depression, loneliness, anxiety, or dementia.


Youth Gardening Workshops:  Children love nearly anything pertaining to the great outdoors. They love digging in the dirt, creating yummy treats, and playing in trees. Children are curious by nature, and there is no greater joy than that from a child who has cultivated plants from his or her own vegetable garden. Making a children’s vegetable garden is easy.


Our Youth Gardening Workshops teach children how to enjoy planting seeds, watching them sprout, and eventually harvesting what they have grown. Allowing children to become involved in the planning, caring, and harvesting of a garden not only gives parents a unique opportunity to spend time with their children, but it helps the kids develop an understanding of that which they are curious about– nature. Children also develop a sense of responsibility and pride in themselves, which can ultimately improve self-esteem.
















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